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Terms and Conditions

Welcome to NTI

1. Definitions

“Automated” is where a computer system automates part or all of an administrative decision-making process. This includes manual data entry into computer systems.

“Intellectual Property” means rights in materials (e.g. Website Content) which includes but is not limited to:

a) patents, copyright, rights in circuit layouts, designs, moral rights, trade and service marks (including goodwill in those marks), domain names and trade names and any right to have confidential information kept confidential; and

b) any application or right to apply for registration of any of the rights referred to in paragraph (a); and

c) all rights of a similar nature to any of the rights in paragraphs (a) and (b) that may subsist anywhere in the world (including Australia),

whether or not such rights are registered or capable of being registered. 

“Online Site” refers to the websites of NTI or any of its associated brands or owned entities, including: (1) Platform Services; (2) All websites, applications interfaces and widgets owned by NTI. 

“Platform Services” means NTI brands or entity Online Sites where a log-in is required, including but not limited to NTI NOW and Truck Assist.

 “NTI” or “Us” / “We” / “Our” refers to NTI Limited and related entities offering NTI’s brands of products and services, namely (but not limited to), National Transport Insurance (NTI), YellowCover, Marine Protect, Truck Assist, Shipping & Delivery Insurance and NTI NOW.

NTI Marketing” refers to direct electronic communications with NTI customers (e.g. email and SMS) that are not part of expected service level communications with NTI customers for an NTI product or service that the NTI customer has acquired, but which instead promotes other NTI (or partner) products and services that the customer may acquire in the future.

 “NTI Specialist” is an NTI representative who assists in managing the product or service Users are seeking to use (e.g. an NTI State Development Specialist).

Submission” has the meaning given in clause 4.1.

Third Party Site” refers to websites, platforms and widgets maintained by someone other than NTI (a Third Party) and is not an Online Site.

 “User” refers to any person or entity accessing an NTI Online Site irrespective of whether they are an NTI customer (including, you, the reader of these Terms and Conditions). 

“Website Content” means any site or service delivering content on or through the internet, including without limitation, any online services, and all Intellectual Property (including all materials under copyright, trademark, trade name and trade law and all rights to sue for past infringements thereof) in the content hosted at or used by, or services provided using, the domains, that NTI may have, including all graphics, photographs, images, audio, video, logos, and other multimedia and text.

2. The Terms and Conditions 

2.1  The Terms and Conditions for NTI’s Online Sites govern User conduct when accessing, using or browsing any of the NTI Online Sites. Users agree that by accessing and using NTI Online Sites Users accept all risk and agree to these Terms and Conditions for any of Our products and services provided, and all applicable laws. The Terms and Conditions may be amended or updated at any time by posting any changes on NTI’s Online Sites for any products and services (including but not limited to legal, regulatory, privacy, security or other reasons) without providing notice to Users. The change will be reflected by the date of change to the services or functionality of products or services. Users accept that such publication will be sufficient notice of the variation, without the need to specifically contact or notify Users of the changes. A User’s use of NTI’s Online Sites for whatever reason is taken as a User having accepted the new terms. We may make changes to these Terms and Conditions without providing notice to you. These Terms and Conditions are to be read alongside Our Privacy Policy which provides further details regarding the processing of a User’s personal data.

Insurance products are provided by National Transport Insurance, a joint venture of the insurers Insurance Australia Limited trading as CGU Insurance ABN 11 000 016 722 AFSL 227681 and AAI Limited Trading as Vero Insurance ABN 48 005 297 807 AFSL 230 859 each holding a 50% share.

National Transport Insurance is administered on behalf of the insurers by its manager NTI Limited ABN 84 000 746 109 AFSL 237246.


3. Platform Services

3.1  When accessing Platform Services, Users may be provided with a personal log-in. Some parts and functions are only accessible to Users who are registered and have "logged in".

3.2  Users must be at least 16 years of age to register for a personal log-in to be entitled access Platform Services.

3.3  Access is only available to Australian businesses with an ABN, and Users must have the capacity as the authorised representative of that business to register the business on behalf of that business.

3.4  All information which forms part of registration for NTI’s Platform Services must be true and correct, and Users must not represent themselves as any other person or business when submitting their registration. Any misrepresentations or false information will result in immediate suspension or cancellation of a User’s access.

3.5  We reserve the right to verify the authenticity of all details provided by Users.

3.6  Users must not provide their personal login account or password to any other person, or allow any other person to use personal logins. If Users suspect unauthorised use of accounts, Users should immediately contact NTI via out “Contact” tab on Our Online Sites (where available) or by phoning Our Head Office on (07) 3292 9800.

3.7   By using the Platform Services the User agrees that the Platform Services: 

a) may only be used to access authorised content and applications in a professional, proper and ethical manner and not for any illegal or unlawful purpose; 

b) will be used in the manner instructed by us; 

c) cannot be used, reproduced, adapted, recompiled, decompiled, distributed or transmitted in any form by any process; 

d) NTI will be free to restructure, change, develop or modify the Platform Service at Our sole and absolute discretion.

3.8   Where a username and password is required to access any Platform Service, Users agree to the following:

a) Users will maintain the security and confidentiality of passwords;

b) Users will ensure all activities are undertaken using their username and password;

c) Users will notify NTI immediately if a username or password has been lost or suspect confidentiality of the username and password has been compromised; 

d) Users will destroy username and password if access has been revoked; 

e) Users only use their own designated username and password and will not disclose that to anyone; 

f) Users will not by-pass or attempt to by-pass security devices incorporated into the web site;

g) Access will be revoked where a person is no longer entitled to use an allocated username and password.

Conditions Specific to NTI NOW

3.9  Google Chrome version 76+ is recommended to get the best from NTI’s NTI NOW platform. 

3.10  When a User uses Our NTI NOW platform they will learn more about their claim and the status of their claim through a dashboard.   When and if a User decides to participate on the NTI NOW platform, the following applies:

a) access to NTI NOW is accessible only through the use of usernames and passwords.

b) Users can apply for access to NTI NOW by applying online or by contacting their local NTI Specialist.

c) For intermediaries, User access to NTI NOW must be authorised by the intermediary principle (or NTI NOW account decision maker within the intermediary nominated by the intermediary principle).  The NTI Specialist will verify in writing with the intermediary principle (or NTI NOW account decision maker within the intermediary nominated by the intermediary principle) that the User requesting permission is authorised to have access.

d) The email address for the User will become their username and must be unique to the individual (e.g. not info@email) and if the User is part of an intermediary, the email address must be linked to the intermediary domain (e.g., email addresses are not permitted).

e) For approved Users, a welcome email will be sent to the User’s email address with a link to enter their username and a temporary password.

f) The User will then be sent a verification email, with a link to change their password.

g) User passwords must be: 

   i.  at least 8 characters; 

   ii. contain at least one capital letter; 

   iii. contain at least one lowercase letter; 

   iv. contain at least one number; 

   v. not be their username

3.11  NTI Now provides Users the ability to lodge a claim online.  The lodgement of a claim is notification to NTI only, not an automatic acceptance of the claim being made.

3.12  NTI NOW may not be the most appropriate way to lodge all claims. If anyone has been injured, please call 000 and if you require incident scene assistance, please contact 1800 NTI NOW (1800 684 669).

3.13  Claims Information contained within NTI NOW should be read in conjunction with the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) / Policy Document and Policy Schedule.  Please read the PDS / Policy Document and Policy Schedule which outlines the cover and benefits.

3.14  If a User is an intermediary, during the course of documents being attached as part of client services there will be from time to time copies of ‘Letters of Authority and Letters of Appointment’ / “LoAs” on the client files.  Consequently where there are changes from one Intermediary to another there may be instances where some information such as “LoAs”, but not limited to these documents, which may form part of the transfer of information from the previous intermediary to the new intermediary.  Therefore it is essential where this occurs, that any User holds confidential any such information and does not reproduce or disclose it to any other party.

4. User Content on NTI's Online Sites

4.1   Some Users may be given access to upload and contribute content on NTI’s Online Sites, including text, comments, recordings, images or any other content ("Submissions").

4.2   NTI Online Site Users acknowledge and accept that when uploading Submissions they must exercise discretion as to the content of such personal information or other information capable of identifying specific people, vehicles and/or their physical locations is uploaded for member or public access. To the extent permitted by law, NTI or any of its associated entities or providers accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury or grievance arising from or in any way involving a member uploading content to NTI’s Online Sites. Submissions do not necessarily reflect the opinions or ideas of NTI or its associated entities, providers, its board of directors, management, employees or members. All Submissions and content provided on any blog on NTI Online Sites is for informational purposes only.

4.3   When Users make Submissions to NTI’s Online Sites, unless We advise otherwise, Users grant NTI non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, and sub-licensable licence to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish and display such Submissions for any purpose in any media (including but not limited to, company brochures, advertising and other marketing materials), without compensation, restriction on use, attribution or liability.

4.4    Users are fully responsible for the Submissions Users provide Us. To the full extent permitted by law NTI, or its associated entities or providers shall not be liable in any way for such a Submission and shall not be deemed or considered to in any way authorise, endorse, approve or support any material submitted by a User. NTI may screen and/or remove and/or request that the third party operator of any social media site or Online Site remove any Submissions or comments in relation to NTI without notice for any reason it deems appropriate. NTI are not responsible for any content on Third Party Sites. In any circumstance or event, all material posted in on any third party social networking sites must comply with these Terms and Conditions and any of the third party’s social networking sites terms of use, as and where applicable.

4.5   Users warrant and agree that:

a) Users will not provide any Submissions where content is unlawful, fraudulent, or which may breach any Intellectual Property rights, privacy, publicity or other third party right, or is unreasonably commercial, defamatory, obscene, profane, derogatory, pornographic, sexually inappropriate, violent, abusive, harassing, threatening, objectionable with respect to race, religion, origin or gender, not suitable for children aged 15 or under, misleading or deceptive, or otherwise unsuitable for publication; 

b) Users will obtain prior consent from all persons who appear or are referenced in any Submissions or have appropriate rights to do so in relation to any property that appears in or forms part of the Submissions which will form part of the content of a User’s Submission;

c) any Submission will be a User’s own original work or, to the extent that any rights in that work (including copyright) are not owned by a User, the User has obtained full prior consent from any person who is the rightful owner and/or has jointly created or has any rights in the Submission, to the uses and terms referred to in these Terms and Conditions;

d) a User’s Submission will not contain viruses or cause injury or harm to NTI or any person or entity or device; and

e) Users will comply with these Terms and Conditions, all reasonable directions of NTI, all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation, those governing privacy, copyright, content, defamation, marketing, publicity and the access or use of the User’s or others' computer, mobile communications device or any other communication programmes or systems. We ask Users to report any inappropriate content by contacting us.

4.6   Users consent to any use of a User’s Submissions in accordance with these Terms and Conditions which may otherwise infringe their moral rights pursuant to the Copyright Act 1968, including NTI using and reproducing the Submissions without attributing it to Users, or making modifications or adaptations to the Submissions for the purpose of reproducing, publishing or displaying that modified or adapted content in another media.

4.7   NTI users have the opportunity to amend or delete certain Submissions they have provided and their content that they upload. Where amendment or deletion is permitted, such options will be readily visible.


5. NTI Business Directory Listings

5.1   Business listing content are considered Submissions, and therefore must comply with clause 4, and must not represent that the business has endorsed or is associated with NTI.

5.2   If a User is a business owner and believes that their business has at any time been inaccurately represented in the NTI Business Directory, please contact Us via the contact tab on this website or phoning NTI’s head office on (07) 3292 9800.


6. Private Transactions

6.1   NTI accepts that its Users may communicate directly with one another from time to time ("Private Transactions").

6.2   To the extent permitted by law, NTI or their associated entities does not accept any responsibility for any loss whether direct, indirect, financial or otherwise, any damage, injury, death, claim, grievance or dispute arising from or in any way involving any activity associate with Private Transactions.

6.3   NTI agrees that it will not be a party to any Private Transaction and in no way warrants the existence of any property offered, its condition, fitness for use where there may be registration, re-registration, repair, restoration, road use, or the representation(s) made by any User through this or any other social media forum. Users agree to authenticate any condition of any property related to a Private Transaction before proceeding.

6.4    NTI does not act as an agent, intermediary or authorised representative of any User with respect to any Private Transaction and is not responsible for the Private Transaction or for in any way mediating or resolving any dispute between Users. NTI encourages Users to resolve any disputes in relation to a Private Transaction by way of good faith negotiation with one another, or otherwise by exercising their legal rights.

7. Non-compliance

7.1    Where there are any circumstances where there is non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions this may lead to NTI undertaking one or more of the following actions:

a) notifying Users of non-compliance of these Terms and Conditions (or other terms outside this document where relevant);

b) editing non-compliant Submissions;

c) removing non-compliant Submissions;

d) cancelling a User’s log-in or access immediately;

e) permanently removing material non-compliance as determined by NTI;

f) cancelling or terminating a User’s product or service.

8. Financial Product Advice

8.1   Unless expressly stated otherwise no goods, service or insurance product or any information on NTI’s Online Sites purports to provide Users with financial product advice. Any other information available on NTI’s Online Sites does not take into consideration personal circumstances or specific insurance, goods or service needs. Users should always read the Product Disclosure Statement (“PDS”) or Policy Document for any insurance product Users are interested in and consider whether the User requires independent advice before acting upon any NTI’s Online Site content.

8.2   Users can read the PDS for the product they are interested under or by phoning us on (07) 3292 9800 for a free copy of the PDS. NTI will only provide offers of insurance for and from within Australia.


9. Promotions and Competitions

9.1   NTI’s Online Sites, will contain general promotional material from NTI and may contain promotional material from other parties associated with NTI.

9.2   When Users access NTI’s Online Sites, Users may agree to receive NTI Marketing communications from NTI and any related companies which may partner with NTI and others, to provide news, special offers, products and services that Users might be interested in. Users can contact Us at any time to ‘opt out’ of receiving NTI Marketing communications by phoning (07) 3292 9800, or writing to Us at NTI Limited PO Box 13550 George Street QLD 4003, or simply follow the unsubscribe instructions in the relevant communication. Users can change their mind at any time. If a User decides to ‘opt back in’ just let Us know.  

9.3   If Users participate in a promotion or competition that is featured on NTI’s Online Sites, Users will be bound by any additional terms and conditions that apply to that promotion, which will be drawn to the User’s attention as part of the entry process.


10. Third Party Sites

10.1   NTI may contain links or references to Third Party Sites. Unless explicitly stated, We do not endorse or approve of such sites and are not responsible or liable for the content of those sites. User’s access to and use of Third Party Sites is at the User’s own risk.

10.2   As part a User’s use of NTI’s Online Sites, Users may need to agree to the terms of a Third Party Site. If any term within these Terms and Conditions should conflict with any third party's terms of use, the latter will prevail to the extent of the conflict insofar as a User’s use or access to that Third Party Site is concerned. Any links are provided for convenience only, and do not indicate any sponsorship, endorsement or recommendation by Us.


11. Limitation of Liability

11.1    While NTI takes reasonable steps to ensure that information is free from error, NTI’s Online Sites, products and services are provided “as-is, as available” and to the extent permitted by law, NTI does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of NTI’s Online Sites, products and services and the relevance of their content. All information is subject to change without notice. 

11.2    To the extent permitted by law, any warranties, representations or conditions implied by law, statute or custom, including but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are to the maximum extent expressly excluded (except those that cannot be lawfully excluded). 

11.3    To the extent permitted by law, NTI’s liability for breach of any warranty, representation or condition which cannot be excluded is restricted, at NTI’s option, to one or more of the following:

where they relate to the supply of goods: 

a) the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods;

b) the repair of the goods;

c) the payment of the cost of having the goods replaced or repaired. 

where they relate to the supply of services: 

d) the re-supply of those services;

e) the payment of the cost of having those services re-supplied.

The provisions of this clause 11.3 comprise the User’s sole remedy for a breach of any warranty, representation or condition which cannot be excluded.

11.4   To the extent permitted by law, NTI and its directors, employees, partners, contractors and related bodies corporate are not liable to Users for any losses, damages, liabilities, claims and expenses including but not limited to legal costs and defence or settlement costs whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, consequential, special or economic loss or damage arising out of or referable to any NTI Online Sites, Submissions, products or services, and their content or functionality, or to access or inability to access any NTI Online Sites, Submissions, products or services, howsoever caused, whether in contract, tort including negligence, statute or otherwise including by any errors or omissions by NTI.

11.5    NTI’s Online Sites may make available various tools, calculation devices, software programmes or other features which may assist Users in calculating the optimal service to suit a User as well as tips, helpful hints or other information. NTI has taken reasonable steps to ensure that any such features or information is accurate and free from defect, to the extent permitted by law, which law cannot be excluded, We do not warrant the accuracy, adequacy, correctness or completeness of these features, tools, calculation devices or calculators. These features may be removed from Online Sites at any time by NTI without notice. 


12. Indemnity

12.1   By using NTI’s services Users agree to indemnify NTI and any of its related bodies corporate in respect of any all claims, liability, demands, proceedings, costs and expenses (including legal fees on a legal representative to client basis) incurred by NTI or any of its related bodies corporate for any loss, cost, damage or expense, howsoever caused, suffered by NTI or any of its related bodies corporate as a result of the Users breach of these Terms and Conditions.


13. Availability of Access to NTI's Online Sites

13.1   As electronic services are subject to interruption or breakdown from time to time, access to NTI’s Online Sites, products and services is being offered on an "as is" and "as available" basis only, and NTI may be required to impose limits or restrictions on a User’s use. NTI does not guarantee that NTI’s Online Sites for its products or services, will be free from viruses, or that access to NTI’s Online Sites will function as intended or be uninterrupted. Users are required to ensure Users undertake all necessary security, technical, maintenance checks, meet all required legal or regulatory conditions.

13.2   Any cost associated with accessing NTI’s Online Sites is a User’s responsibility and is dependent on the internet or telecommunications software and service provider the User uses.


14. Restrictions on Use

14.1   The Submissions and other content of NTI’s Online Sites is provided solely for bona fide personal or commercial customers only. 

14.2   Users agree that they will not, (either themselves or through any third party):

a) use any Automated method to process, monitor, copy or extract any NTI web pages, or any of the Submissions, information, content or data contained within or accessible through NTI’s Online Sites, products or services without Our prior written permission;

b) use any Automated method to process aggregate or combine information, content or data contained within or accessible through NTI’s Online Sites with information, content or data accessible via or sourced from any third party;

c) use any information on or accessed through NTI’s Online Sites for any commercial purpose including but not limited to comments, blogs, feedback, suggestions, questions, ideas, artwork, images, product or marketing ideas;

d) use NTI’s Online Sites for a commercial purpose including to in any way advertise goods or services offered for routine/repeat sale or by sale by a business of any type

e) use any device, software, process or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper functioning of NTI’s Online Sites, or any transaction or process being conducted on or through NTI’s Online Sites;

f) take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of or bandwidth connecting to NTI’s Online Sites;

g) reverse engineer, reverse assemble, decompile or otherwise attempt to discover source code or other arithmetical formula or processes in respect of the software underlying the infrastructure and processes associated with NTI’s Online Sites; or

h) copy, reproduce, alter, modify, create derivative works, or publicly display, any part of any content or Website Content from NTI’s Online Sites without Our prior written permission.


15. Intellectual Property

15.1   All Intellectual Property in NTI’s Online Sites, products and services is owned by NTI and may not be used, reproduced, adapted, uploaded to a third party, linked to, framed, performed in public, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any process, for any commercial purpose without the specific written consent of NTI.

15.2   NTI and its related bodies corporate separately reserve their copyright and all other legal rights with respect to their trademarks, whether registered or otherwise. We either own the Intellectual Property rights in the underlying Website Content on NTI Online Sites, or We have obtained the permission of the owner of the Intellectual Property for usage as part of Our Website Content.


16. Termination, Revocation and Suspension

16.1    NTI reserves the right to terminate, revoke or suspend a User’s access to NTI’s Online Sites at any time. However, all restrictions, licences granted by Users, and all disclaimers and exclusions of and limitations on liability of NTI will survive any termination.


17. Cookies and Web Beacons

17.1    All of NTI’s Online Sites may use cookies and web beacons when We interact with Users. Cookies are small files stored on a user’s computer and are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular client and Online Sites. Web beacons are used to monitor User behaviour when visiting Online Sites. The information obtained is intended for NTI to improve existing products and services, insurance products, and offer new products and services as well as insurance products to Users and Our customers. This method does not contain any personal identifiable information. Users have a choice and can disable cookies on a User’s own web browser. However, if Users disable cookies, they may not be able to experience all the features of the NTI Online Sites.


18. Applicable Laws

18.1    The law applicable to the NTI’s Online Sites, and any complaints related to NTI is the law of the State of Queensland Australia. By using NTI’s Online Sites, Users irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Queensland, Australia which may hear appeals from those Courts unless directed by a Court of Law. NTI makes no representations that the content of NTI Online Sites complies with the laws (including Intellectual Property laws) of any country outside of Australia. If Users access NTI Online Sites from outside of Australia, Users do so at their own risk and take responsibility for ensuring Users comply with the laws of the place where Users access the Online Sites.


19. Privacy Statement

19.1    Your Privacy is important to Us. The personal information that We may collect or hold about you can include:

a) name, date of birth, gender;

b) contact details such as your address, phone number or email

c) information that We require to provide you with a product or service such as your claims history, driving history, vehicle registration number and financial institution account or credit card details;

d) information that We obtain on databases or websites including business, company or criminal history searches;

e) information that We obtain in processing a claim such as information contained in a police report or expert report;

f) insurance policy information such as your previous insurers, details of any intermediary or broker you use or previous insurance policies held by you.

19.2   We may collect, use or disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

a) providing and administering Our products and services in relation to you;

b) customer, product, business or strategic research and development;

c) dealing with a claim in relation to you;

d) dealing with enquiries and complaints in relation to you;

e) facilitating business operations such as Our IT infrastructures, databases, websites and for statistical and maintenance purposes;

f) complying with legislation, regulation and industry codes that are applicable to us. Under Australian law We may be authorised or required to collect your personal information for Goods and Services Tax, Income Tax Assessment Acts, Tax Administration Act, National Consumer Law, Personal Properties Securities Act, Anti-Money laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act, and any regulations made under these and other legislation We need to adhere to;

g) any other purpose communicated to you at the time We collected your personal information or as required or permitted by law;

19.3   We may disclose your personal information to and/or collect that personal information for Our: 

a) joint venturers (Insurance Australia Limited trading as CGU Insurance ABN 11 000 016 722 AFSL 227681 and AAI Limited Trading as Vero Insurance ABN 48 005 297 807 AFSL 230859) and related companies; 

b) Our agents, referrers and distributors;

c) clubs, associations, member programmes that relate to the products and services We provide you;

d) third parties We have contracted to provide services, products or administrative services which include but limited to: consultancy firms, auditors, marketing agencies investigators, credit reference providers, recovery agents, lawyers, assessors, repairers, suppliers, advisers, mailing houses, online publishers, media partners, market researchers, payment service providers, experts and IT providers and agents or subcontractors of any of those providers;

e) government, statutory or regulatory bodies and enforcement agencies 

f) external dispute resolution bodies such as AFCA; 

g) any organisation assisting Us to gather or aggregate information for statistical, prudential, actuarial, reporting, analytical or research purposes; 

h) any other organisation or person where you have asked them to provide your personal information to Us or asked Us to obtain personal information from them.

19.4   We will only collect sensitive information with your consent or where the information is reasonably necessary and directly related to delivering Our products and services to you, forms part of Our due diligence process, or where the law requires or authorises the collection of such information.

19.5   From time to time We may need to disclose your personal information to, and collect your personal information from other countries however We will always disclose and collect your personal information in accordance with Australian privacy laws. When handling your personal information and in circumstances where the recipient is overseas, Our contractual arrangements with these recipients generally include an obligation for them to comply with Australian privacy laws.

19.6   If We are unable to collect your personal information, We may be unable to provide you with certain products and services or may be limited in what We can provide.

19.7   You have the right to access and correct your personal information held by Us and you can find information about how to do this in Our Privacy Policy.

19.8   The Privacy Policy also includes information about how you can complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how We’ll deal with such a complaint.

19.9    You can access a copy of Our Privacy Policy on or alternatively contact Us for a copy.


20. Google Translator

20.1   Google Translator relies on data and technology to provide its translations and this feature is provided on some NTI Online Sites for informational purposes only. We cannot guarantee translations as exact or without the inclusion of incorrect or inappropriate language. As such We do not guarantee or claim responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, or performance of the service not the limitations, such as the inability to translate specific files like images or PDF files. 

20.2    We have added a widget to Our website should you require simple translation. Go to and sign in to the Google account when you are prompted to. Click on the "Add to your website now" button on the right-hand side. On the next page, you will be required to complete two parts.


21. Security

21.1    Emails sent by NTI may undergo email filtering and virus scanning, including those emails to and from third party contractors and providers. We do not warrant that such filters and scanning mechanisms will be effective in removing viruses or other potentially harmful code. 

21.2    Any publication of emails on NTI Online Sites does not infer consent to the receipt of unsolicited commercial electronic messages or viruses. The sending of unsolicited electronic messages and viruses to NTI is considered an abuse of access and an interference with the rights and ability of NTI to carry out its delivery of products and services free from such abuse, interference and harassment. NTI reserves its right to take any action it deems necessary which may include legal action or for the purposes of meeting any prescribed legislation or regulation, as well as law enforcement agencies.

21.3     NTI cannot guarantee that any file or programme that is made available for download through an Online Site is free from viruses or other conditions which could damage or interfere with any data, hardware or software with which it might be used. Users are responsible for and will assume all risk of use for the scanning of any such data for viruses and use of all programmes and files. 

22. Electronic Communications and Notices

22.1    When a User applies for a product or service online, We will provide all of Our documentation to Users via the electronic address provided to Us. This will include, but not limited to, Quote, New Business documents, Certificates of Insurance and Renewal Letters and where applicable Roadside documents. Users need to contact Us at or 1800 827 747 to change their choice of delivery, or if they need Us to resend any of the User’s documentation via their electronic address.

22.2    Any Notice will be treated as having been received at the time of delivery, on the third business day after posting, if sent by fax or email, when transmitted to the correct fax number or email address, if sent by electronic communication, when the electronic communication enters the information system of the recipient.


23. Confidentiality

23.1    Users agree to take, or cause to be taken, such reasonable precautions as may be necessary to maintain the confidentiality of and prevent the unauthorised disclosure of any material that can be accessed by log-in, including all Online Sites.

23.2    Any NTI material(s) that Users upload to Online Sites will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary, and therefore We have the right to use, copy, distribute and disclose to third parties any material for any purpose. Subject to the law, NTI also have the right to disclose a User’s identity to any third party who is claiming that any material posted or uploaded by you to this website or any third party social networking site constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights, or of their right to privacy. We will not be responsible, or liable to any third party, for the accuracy of any material posted by any User of NTI Online Sites. We have the right to remove any material(s) Users make on NTI Online Sites if, in Our opinion, the material does not comply with the content standards and guidelines set out in these Terms and Conditions.

If you do not understand your responsibilities, please contact Us on 1800 827 747 or email By proceeding you agree that you have read and understood Your Responsibilities under these Terms and Conditions.

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