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Ep 14: The Road to Zero Emissions

Heavy vehicles contribute significantly to global vehicle emissions, yet are core to some of the most crucial transport and infrastructure tasks for both society and the economy.

In this episode of the Spotlight Podcast, we talk about the road to zero emissions for heavy vehicles, including the challenges along the way. NTI’s heavy motor experts will discuss:

  • Current developments in zero emission vehicles
  • What’s on the horizon
  • How insurance will play a key role

“A zero emission vehicle, unlike our existing vehicles that we have in Australia, creates no tail pipe emissions. That means it has no carbon footprint when it’s in operation.” – Brooke Caldwell, NTI’s National Heavy Motor Product Manager – Fleet.

“This is our chance, as a heavy vehicle sector, to work on that common goal and what that means for us at the rate that we need to. Including making ourselves sustainable along the way and meeting the challenges that have been set out for us.” – Richard Gibson, NTI’s National Manager Repair Quality and Incident Response.

A reminder to insurance brokers, this episode is eligible for 0.5 NIBA CPD points. Stay tuned until the end of the episode for details on generating your CPD certification of completion. 

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